Here's a really nice project I recently finished work on with Simon Waterhouse at Resonate.
I've worked on quite a few of their projects over the last couple of years so it was a real treat to have a selection of the best bits together in one video and the chance to create and mix sound for them.
My hand in the project started with voice selection. I've worked with George Henare in the past, and when Simon mentioned what he was after George immediately popped into my mind. Being based in Auckland we connected via Source Connect for the recording session so that we could produce and give direction from here in The Garage. What can you say about that voice?!! Magic.
After selecting takes, editing and placing the voice parts in the timeline I set about creating the sound design for the piece. With so many different scenes and a lot of fast edits it was a pretty complex job -a challenge for both creativity and attention to detail. In the end we were all very happy indeed with how it turned out!
Thanks again Simon from Resonate.